Jan 8, 2017

Digital World: IT in Entertainment

IT in Entertainment


  • Identify applications of multimedia
  • Describe some common graphic effects and techniques
  • Explain how computers process sounds and videos
  • Describe how multimedia elements are assembled into a presentation
  • List the common multimedia presentation devices.
  • Explain how multimedia is used on the web


Multimedia is the combined use of several media such as motion-pictures, slides and music. Using computers, multimedia fuses two or more of these media together on the premise that the combination is better then any of the individual components. 
Multimedia can be used for entertainment, corporate presentations, education, training, simulations, digital publications, electronic reference materials, museum exhibits and more.

Multimedia in Entertainment: 

One of the earliest applications of multimedia was for games, and many people thought that was what multimedia was really useful for. There is no question that multimedia can improve the quality of games, and it is that very game-like quality that can enhance a learning experience. Multimedia is at teaching how to read or solve different problems even though the children perceive the experience as just a game. 

Multimedia in Software Training:

Computer applications programs become more complex, software publishers are building multimedia presentations into their programs to introduce new features and walk the user through them. In companies, this form of presentation will take a big load off the overworked technical support staff. For individuals at home or in small business, it will make programs easier to learn and use.

Multimedia in Education and Training:

 Multimedia is extensively used for education and training in schools, business, and the home. It brings presentations alive with sounds, movies, animations, and interactivity.  
Multimedia on the Web: When the Web was introduced, it was all text. Soon graphics were added and opened up new possibilities. Photographs and drawings could be used to illustrate and explain products and accessories, to demonstrate the workings of technology and nature, or just to make pages more attractive. Multimedia was introduced using tools such as Java and Shochwave. Now Web pages display animations, play sound, and allow to interact with them. Its possible to experience full multimedia over the Internet or intranets. 

Multimedia in Office Work:

Multimedia isn’t only expensive commercial productions. It can be used to enhance ordinary communications. Using technology you can insert sound and movie objects into other applications such as word processing or spreadsheet documents.

Multimedia Servers and Databases: 

Databases called universal servers are now able to store the elements that are displayed on the screen. Fields are used to store images, text, sound files, and videos. The multimedia program draws on these stored elements to create the show. These powerful databases, accessed over networks, are the new organizational libraries.

The Tools of Multimedia: 

The still images in multimedia programs have been created or manipulated on a computer in a digital format. There are two basic forms of computer graphics: bitmaps and vector graphics.
Bitmap Images: Bitmap images are formed a matrix of pixels with different colors. Bitmap images are defined by their dimensions in pixels as well as by the number of colors they represent. For example, a 640 X 480 image contains 640 pixels and 480 pixels horizontally and vertically. A small area of a bitmap image, you can clearly see the pixels that are used to create it. When viewed normally, the small pixels merge into continuous tones. Each of the small pixels can be a shade of gray or a color. Using 24-bit color, each pixel can be set to any one of 16 millions colors.   
Vector Graphics: Vector graphics are a set of graphical objects such as lines, rectangles, ellipse, curves, called primitives that the program stores as numerical coordinates and mathematical formulas specifying their shape and position in the image. Draw programs, also called vector graphics programs, are a format widely used by computer-aided design programs to create detailed engineering and design drawings, and have become popular in multimedia for 3D animation.
Draw programs have a number of advantages over paint programs. 

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